Start your journey to optimal health now: be informed, get personalized recommendations and action plan.

1. Make an appointment

Even without symptoms or a doctor’s prescription.

3. Get your health report

How it works

  • Blood test
  • ECG, Spirometry, Blood oxygen, Blood pressure, BMI
  • Ultrasound
You get everything in a single report reviewed by our doctor on your email.

4. Get a consultation with a doctor

Discuss your results and recommendations with a doctor.

2. Get a Check-up in one place

Curitt Amsterdam

What do you get
Test results reviewed by our doctors
Description of biomarkers and recommendations for improvement
Consultation with a doctor

Blood test — 42 parameters

  • Cardiovascular
  • Blood function
  • Immune System
  • Pancreas and Diabetes
  • Liver health
  • Kidney
  • Electrolytes and Bone health
  • Thyroid Hormones
  • Vitamins
  • Iron

Lung health


ECG test measures the heart’s electrical activity to detect conditions like arrhythmias and heart attacks. It’s a quick, non-invasive way to assess heart health
Spirometry is an easy and fast examination for your lung allowing to screen for:
  • asthma
  • chronic obstructive lung disease
  • estimate lung capacity and general lung health
  • and others.

Cardio health

Screening of organs with ultrasound is radiation-free imaging to detect different pathologies like:
  • thyroid nodes
  • ovarian cysts
  • carotid plaques
  • estimate heart function
  • and more.



Blood Test

Electrical heart activity test (ECG)

Lung function test (Spirometry)

Standard Check up

Curitt Services


Appointment anytime without prescription

Why curitt

Physical examination

Only with symptoms
Long waiting time & only with symptoms

Premium Check-Up



Ultrasound Check-Up

2 visits
Ultrasound check up
Electrical heart activity test (ECG)
Lung function test (Spirometry)
BMI (height, weight)
Consultation with Radiologist
Сonsultation with a Doctor
Heart rate

Uterus (for women) or Prostate (for men), Bladder

Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas, Bile, Ducts, Kidneys, Bladder

Upper Abdominal
Lower abdominal (pelvic) ultrasound
55+ parameters
Urine test
Blood oxygen
Blood pressure
Blood pressure
Blood oxygen
42+ blood biomarkers
Heart rate
Сonsultation with a doctor
BMI (height, weight)
Lung function test (Spirometry)
Electrical heart activity test (ECG)
2–5 b. days

Complete Check-Up

Consultation with Radiologist

Upper and lower abdominal

Urine sample required: Please collect and bring it with you

plus Hormones, Insulin, ApoB, Lp(a) etc.

If you’re uncertain about which package suits your needs best, simply fill out the form. Our team will ensure you get the perfect test for your requirements.
Not Sure Which Test Package is Right for You?

Medical Team

Sarah studied medicine at the University of Cambridge and graduated with distinction in 2007.

She qualified as a GP in the UK 12 years ago and has since worked in a wide range of primary care settings, including conventional general practice, out of hours GP care and online GP services.

She has special interests in women’s health and lifestyle medicine.
Dasha Kazei graduated from medical school VUmc in Amsterdam in 2018.

She has clinical experience in multiple university hospitals in the field of reconstructive surgery. She has extensive research experience after working as head research fellow at Harvard University and Beth Israel Medical Centre in Boston, USA.

She is currently working as a clinical doctor in forensic medicine and is a co-founder of Curitt Health where she performs medical checkups.

DR. Dasha Kazei

Dr. Sarah Willicombe

2022 — 2024
Bilderdijkstraat 77, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Curitt’s offerings aim to promote a well-balanced lifestyle; however, they should not be considered a replacement for expert medical guidance. Our materials and media are not meant for diagnosing, curing, or treating any medical ailments.